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This report brings together the key findings from four individual reports that systematized experiences from education projects undertaken within the framework of the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) / Multi-Year Resilience Program (MYRP) programs in...

This material provides 7 practical tips for parents to prevent child trafficking and child sexual violence. Furthermore, it gives guidance on how to support children when a loved one dies.

More than three million children in Somalia are out of school. In many areas across the country, parents are not able to fund their children’s education due to endemic poverty. Education in Somalia is mainly driven by contributions from parents,...

Children across Syria want the same things: to travel to school safely, learn in clean and adequate surroundings, learning from trained teachers, and with modern equipment. They want the type of education they know other children across the world...

Adolescent reproductive health is a key social issue in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Growing Up GREAT! (GUG) was developed to address these issues via a nine-month multi-level intervention package that seeks...

The purpose of this evaluation was to establish the outcomes of the Digital Learning Project on the learning and wellbeing of refugee children; girls and boys in Save the Children supported schools in Nduta and Nyarugusu camps. The project aimed...

MEAL team together with BHA and ECHO project team conducted a market assessment to determine the functionality food and scholastic market system (for maize, rice, beans, cooking oil –food market, and books, writing materials, school uniform...

Save the Children commissioned this report to help provide a better understanding of how Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq regard their future, their decision-making processes, and priorities in terms of durable solutions. Eleven years...

Trayectorias Educativas Completas, or Complete Educational Trajectories project, was implemented by United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Development and Infancy Corporation (CID by its Spanish acronym, Corporación Infancia y Desarrollo) in...

As part of Save the Children’s 2022–2024 strategy, we are seeking to fill a global knowledge gap in the development sector: How do we measure learning remotely to evaluate what distance learning approaches work best for children? In 2021, we...