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Most nutrition training targeting nutrition and health workers focuses on curing malnutrition. However, most would agree that for societal issues with negative consequences it is equally crucial to focus on interventions that strengthen prevention...

In 2022 CUBIC explored application of behavioral science to improve medical incident reporting in Save the Children run clinical settings in Rwanda and Bangladesh. This report presents research findings and trial results as well exploring future...

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted that as a global community, we need to strengthen systems to prevent, prepare for and respond to public health emergencies. Member States and the World Health Organization have agreed that in order to achieve...

Rapid Integrated Response for Children (RIRE) is a mechanism that seeks to include education in rapid responses to help children aged between four and twelve to safely return to learning within the first three months of a crisis. This innovative...

The Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Technical Guidance has been developed to support Save the Children and partner staff to mainstream and integrate mental health and psychosocial support into programming across sectors. The...

The dramatic escalation in violence witnessed in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) and Israel is deeply alarming with horrendous consequences for children’s lives and wellbeing. Currently collaborating with over 30 partners, Save the...

8 years of war, together with decades of historical conflict in Yemen, have left a deadly legacy of explosive ordnance (EO), including landmines, across the country – threatening children’s lives, their childhoods, and their futures. For many, the...

The Impact booklet provides an overview of Ungumi’s impact and some key approaches such as providing adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health services, engaging boys in menstrual hygiene management, working with children’s parliaments,...

In view of the disadvantaged situation of migrant children in Shanghai, Save the Children plans to conduct a Shanghai 3-6 Years Old Children Comprehensive Development Project. The project is developed according to the World Health Organization&...

Save the Children Pakistan and The Center for Utilizing Behavioral Insights for Children (CUBIC) explore the use of bulk voice messaging (BVM) as a strategy to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake in rural areas of Pakistan. The study addresses...