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Save the Children International (SCI) has been implementing the Giving Ownership to Prevent Stunting (GOATS) Project in Karamoja sub-region, Moroto district (Tapac and Rupa sub-counties) since March 2021. The project aimed at contributing to...

On June 12, 2024, Save the Children co-hosted a webinar with the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), the African Population and Health Research Center, and the Centre for Adolescent Health at the Murdoch Children’s...

Assess the effects of the integrated community case management (iCCM) strategy on mortality for children younger than five years of age in low- and middle-income countries.

Middle East and oPt: Regional CVA infographics

2024 - Egypt, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian Territories

Since the escalation of the Israel-Gaza war, Save the Children has swiftly scaled up its cash assistance programs in Gaza, the West Bank, South Lebanon, and Egypt. To effectively reach the most vulnerable children and their families, Save the...

On 24 April 2024, Save the Children hosted a kick-off event for World Immunization Week, titled “Why do we fail to scale? Challenges in scaling up immunisation across the life course”. The session discussed key challenges in reaching...

Breakthrough ACTION Project

Collection - Cambodia

Breakthrough ACTION ignites collective action and encourages people to adopt healthier behaviors—from using modern contraceptive methods and sleeping under bed nets to being tested for HIV—by forging, testing, and scaling up new and hybrid...

This brief looks at the immense impact of months of war on the mental health of children in Gaza and the West Bank, building on the findings of existing Save the Children research from 2018 and 2022. The insights demonstrate that months of deadly...

Somalia faces huge developmental challenges with consistent cycles of conflict and disaster -impeding Somalia’s ability to ensure access to all rights for all its children. This impedes Somalia’s ability to ensure access to all rights for all its...

Following the full-scale escalation of the war in Ukraine in February 2022, which triggered the largest displacement crisis since the World War II, Poland experienced an unprecedented quest for help and refuge, as well as one of the largest ever...

Based on human rights, the CRSA looks into recognising child rights in Poland with a universal, indivisible, inalienable, and interdependent lens. Save the Children is a child rights-based organisation, which means it uses the principles of...