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This report brings together the key findings from four individual reports that systematized experiences from education projects undertaken within the framework of the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) / Multi-Year Resilience Program (MYRP) programs in...

This study report points out the gap in the policy and practices related to disability ID card distribution, identifies an appropriate model of disability screening considering the current definition and classification to facilitate the disability...

More than three million children in Somalia are out of school. In many areas across the country, parents are not able to fund their children’s education due to endemic poverty. Education in Somalia is mainly driven by contributions from parents,...

The purpose of this evaluation was to establish the outcomes of the Digital Learning Project on the learning and wellbeing of refugee children; girls and boys in Save the Children supported schools in Nduta and Nyarugusu camps. The project aimed...

As part of Save the Children’s 2022–2024 strategy, we are seeking to fill a global knowledge gap in the development sector: How do we measure learning remotely to evaluate what distance learning approaches work best for children? In 2021, we...

In September 2021, Save the Children published the Build Forward Better report,  purposefully using this title in recognition that we should not limit our ambition to building ‘back’ to how things were before the pandemic, but to build forward...

This document is a call to action from Save the Children Nigeria on the need to advocate for the rights of Persons with Disabilities ahead of the Global Disability Summit 2022. The summit presents an opportunity to advocate for Disability Rights,...

SEL guide for children.

The Return to Learning (RtL) program is an education program designed for use in the first phase of humanitarian response, or in protracted crises to improve school readiness before out-of-school children transition into non-formal education...

This field research was conducted by young researchers in the Tillabéri region of Niger. It captures the views of children on the attacks on their education, why education is deliberately attacked, and the impact of these attacks on children and...