This booklet is a powerful compilation of success stories that highlight Save the Children Somalia Integrated Program’s significant role in combating hunger crises in Somalia. Each narrative underscores the program’s transformative influence on...
Save the Children is a leading organization promoting good governance to realize the rights of children and youth in South Sudan. As a child rights organization, we center children, adolescents, youth, and youth-led organizations in advocacy and...
Save the Children (SC) has been working in Nigeria since 2001 to fulfil its mission to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. Discover more about SCI Nigeria’s...
With a global shift to improve the quality, and not simply the quantity, of education, SCI has developed programs that focus on strengthening school readiness skills among 3–6-year-old children in order that they may be better prepared for and...
Titukulane, a $75 million USAID-funded initiative running from 2019 to 2025, aims to achieve sustainable, equitable, and resilient food and nutrition security for ultra-poor and vulnerable households in Mangochi and Zomba Districts of Malawi....
Save the Children (SC) is implementing a sponsorship programme in both development and humanitarian settings in Uganda. The program operates in Wakiso district in Central Uganda and the refugee settlements of Kyangwali and Rwamwanja in western...
This report and a series of case studies were conducted to gather evidence on which child-sensitive social protection (CSSP) programs in Malawi, Uganda, Somalia, and Zambia are most beneficial and cost-efficient in the long term. The analysis then...
This report and a series of case studies were conducted to gather evidence on which child-sensitive social protection (CSSP) programs in Malawi, Uganda, Somalia, and Zambia are most beneficial and cost-efficient in the long term. The analysis then...
Save the Children (SC) in Malawi has been monitoring the monthly household cost of a nutritious diet and assessing affordability gaps across various household types since April 2021 using the Cost of the Diet (CotD) assessment research method. The...
Teacher absenteeism is a critical obstacle to education in Mozambique. Faced with this challenge, some schools in Mozambique have started to leverage their social networks, particularly the involvement of parents, as part of a ‘social-based...