This booklet is a powerful compilation of success stories that highlight Save the Children Somalia Integrated Program’s significant role in combating hunger crises in Somalia. Each narrative underscores the program’s transformative influence on...
Afghanistan is confronted with the challenges of climate changes and drought, which has a massively impact on agricultural livelihoods and food security. Kandahar, a province greatly impacted by the issue, faces challenges in accessing water,...
Child marriage remains a deeply entrenched issue in Cabo Delgado, with far-reaching implications for the health, education, and well-being of young girls. Girls married young are far less likely to stay in school, with lifelong economic impacts....
The latest report by the Polish Migration Forum Foundation, supported by Save the Children Poland, highlights significant deficiencies in the provision of psychological support to residents of guarded centers for foreigners (SOC) in Poland....
Les compartimos el boletín que presenta las actividades y los logros alcanzados en este 2023. Dentro del documento encontrarán los principales logros y actividades realizadas por área temática. Son muchos los retos y desafíos que tenemos, pero...
Action Pack 3 provides country offices with guidance on how to undertake a basic assessment of the structural safety of the schools we work in. It will help us understand if the children and school community we support are safe in the...
Facing high levels of violent discipline in homes, Save the Children Malawi has taken a comprehensive two-pronged approach to address the issue; championing social behavioural change alongside advocating for law reform, in a bid to achieve a ban...
Save the Children Sierra Leone describe the journey to prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment in schools, including advocacy initiatives, the many factors in achieving legislative progress, and the ongoing challenge to address...
The purpose of the endline survey was to measure changes from the baseline surveys conducted in Year-1 and Year-2 of the project, evaluate the outcomes of the three-year project, and develop recommendations based on the cumulated experiences and...
Approximately 25 young climate activists from Cambodia, Hong Kong, Laos, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand convened virtually with Dr. Philip Jaffé, a United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child representative. They addressed...