This booklet is a powerful compilation of success stories that highlight Save the Children Somalia Integrated Program’s significant role in combating hunger crises in Somalia. Each narrative underscores the program’s transformative influence on...
Air polluuon poses a pressing threat globally with far reaching consequences for both the environment and public well-being. It encompasses a complex array of pollutants, including particulate matter (PM) and gases such as ozone (03), nitrogen...
Save the Children (SC) in Malawi has been monitoring the monthly household cost of a nutritious diet and assessing affordability gaps across various household types since April 2021 using the Cost of the Diet (CotD) assessment research method. The...
The Harmonized Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance Project was carried out in Jonglei and the Unity States of South Sudan from January to December 2023, implemented through a consortium consisting ofAction Against Hunger, International Rescue Committee...
Les compartimos el boletín que presenta las actividades y los logros alcanzados en este 2023. Dentro del documento encontrarán los principales logros y actividades realizadas por área temática. Son muchos los retos y desafíos que tenemos, pero...
With the endorsement of the National Nutrition Program (NNP) by the Federal Government of Ethiopia (FGoE), which emphasizes a multi-sectoral approach to nutrition programming and coordination, various signatory sector ministries, including the...
In the current era of data revolution, addressing the prevalent challenges of food and nutrition insecurity necessitates the establishment of a robust monitoring and evaluation system founded on a proven and reliable data management protocol. In...
On 30 April 2024, Save the Children hosted a closing event for World Immunization Week, titled “Innovations and Solutions in Immunization”. The session dove into the innovative solutions and strategies that can accelerate progress...
Acute malnutrition is a persistent problem in Kenya’s drylands. In these settings, caregivers face geographic and economic challenges in accessing health services for malnourished children, leading to low service coverage and sub-optimal treatment...
The Daratchama Health Center in Niger faced a critical challenge: a 36-year absence of potable water. Community members were forced to transport water themselves for patient needs. In 2023, the USAID-funded Kulawa project launched a vast...