Save the Children expands programming for vulnerable children with new Country Office in Brazil
Save the Children is opening a new Country Office in Brazil to place children’s rights at the forefront of the national agenda.
Children participate in G20 for the first time, calling for action on hunger, poverty and climate change
The teenagers - aged 16 and 17 years old - will deliver a letter to G20 leaders during the G20 Social Summit on 14 November, which includes messages from children around the world.
Children to tell Inter-American Court of Human Rights how climate change is affecting them in historic hearing
Save the Children press release on children speaking about how climate change is affecting their rights at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Dengue Fever: At least 5 million cases and 5,500 deaths in horror year
Dengue Fever: At least 5 million cases and 5,500 deaths in horror year
New Declaration to better protect children in conflict is a ‘milestone achievement’
Save the Children welcomes the news that multiple countries will endorse a new political declaration aimed at strengthening the protection of civilians from the use of explosive weapons in towns, cities and other populated areas.
Child labour risks found widespread in global supply chains from cellphones to coffee: new study
The risk of child labour remains widespread in global supply chains, according to a new study by Save the Children