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The Center for Utilizing Behavioral Insights for Children, also known as CUBIC, is the first applied behavioral science team in the world to focus on the rights and welfare of the most marginalised children. CUBIC works with our country teams around the world to analyse specific behavioural challenges and design and evaluate behaviorally informed interventions.

By using behavioural science, we can positively shape or 'nudge' the behaviours and actions of decision-makers, educators, families and communities, so more children get the best possible start in life.


Human decision-making is complex. We are influenced by a myriad of different factors which means we don’t always act and behave in our best interests, despite good intentions. Simply providing good information isn’t always enough to encourage positive behaviour change.

Sometimes small behavioural changes and interventions can tackle big problems. Behavioural science can provide a cost-effective way to better understand people’s actions and inform more effective programmes, delivering better results for children.


Launched in 2020, the CUBIC team is focused on applying the behavioural insights approach in Save the Children’s programmes across Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe. We provide training and guidance on behavioral science as well as leading programmatic research and supporting global campaigns and organisational development projects.

CUBIC’s current research projects seek to identify behavioural insights and approaches that help achieve our strategic goals. Specific current research interests include:

  • Supporting positive parenting,
  • Improving teacher motivation and attendance,
  • Reducing dangerous child labour,
  • Reducing adolescent gender based violence,
  • Addressing Covid 19 vaccination hesitancy,
  • Supporting uptake of routine childhood immunisation.

Read case studies, tools and insights from the Center for Utilizing Behavioral Insights for Children (CUBIC) here.


CUBIC was founded and is led by Allison Zelkowitz. Allison has worked for Save the Children for over 16 years including serving as Country director for Save the Children Lebanon and Save the Children Thailand. Allison is a certified member of the Global Association for Applied Behavioral Scientists (GAABS).

Allison is supported by an advisory board comprised of two arms, one Strategy Group including Save the Children senior leaders from the US, Panama, India, and Uganda, and one Technical Advisory Group of leaders and professors from ideas42, the Busara Center, University of Chicago, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the OECD.

The CUBIC includes highly qualified, multilingual behavioral scientists with qualifications in public health, education and economics. The team have experience working in Asia, Africa, Oceania, Europe, Latin America and the US. The CUBIC team is globally structured and operates remotely, with individuals based in Armenia, France, India, Netherlands, Singapore, Switzerland, Uganda, the UK and the US.

Contact us to find out more about CUBIC.