Save the Children is a global leader in humanitarian and development programming, reaching 125 million children in 120 countries. That reach includes girls and boys who eat nutritious meals through our school feeding programming. Save the Children...
This report presents the findings of a Household Economy Analysis (HEA) outcome analysis from the livelihood zone GT06 in Quiché, Guatemala. the results cover the period of November 2022-October 2023. The main conclusions of the analysis are as...
This analysis is based on Save the Children’s Gender and Power (GAP) Analysis Guidance. Girls globally have less time for recreational activities or collective activism. Girls work more hours and are more likely to do paid and unpaid work...
In brief, infographic format, this document summarizes the Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programs of Save the Children in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Region. It details CVA program goals in various LAC countries, as well targeting...
The “Proyecto Sin Dejar Atrás a la Niñez” (Without Leaving Childhood Behind Project) was implemented by Save the Children and funded by Norad from 2019 to 2023 in Guatemala. The project aimed to improve children’s rights through better laws,...
This programme compendium highlights some of Save the Children’s nexus-based programming that address hunger comprehensively. The interventions referenced in this compendium utilise a combination of life-saving, early recovery and long-term...
Research led by the Civil-Military and Access Initiative at Save the Children Sweden in collaboration with the Norwegian Refugee Council examines the deprivation of basic resources, goods and services and the protection issues experienced by...
For decades, complex structural social, and economic factors, as well as environmental degradation, have been deteriorating the living conditions of children and their families in Northern Central America: El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,...
Since 2015, Save the Children has responded to the regional migration crisis in northern Central America. Based on our experience and our aim to cover the urgent and recurrent needs of families in this region, we are launching a new strategy...
Guatemala is a country of origin, transit, and reintegration of migrants. Home to 16.3 million people and marked by a violent past, Guatemalan society is still highly unequal and characterized by racism and discrimination. Moreover, the country is...