The Return to Learning (RtL) Program was designed to support social-emotional learning, literacy, and numeracy skills of Venezuela migrant children who attend formal schools in Arauca and Cali. It was planned to be implemented as an after-school...
Under the leadership of the Peruvian Ministry of Education (MINEDU) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Working Group for Refugees and Migrants (GTRM) education subgroup developed and implemented the communications campaign for...
Aulas Digitales, or the Digital Classrooms project, was implemented by Save the Children in three departments along the Colombian border with the aim of developing socioemotional and problem solving skills for migrant and crisis-affected children...
Nicaragua is a major origin country of migrants. Home to 6.5 million people, the country is one of the least developed in Central America and access to basic services is a daily challenge. Moreover, the sociopolitical crisis that started in 2018...
This report brings together the key findings from four individual reports that systematized experiences from education projects undertaken within the framework of the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) / Multi-Year Resilience Program (MYRP) programs in...
Honduras is a major origin country of migrants. Home to 9.7 million people, the country is one of the poorest in Central America facing increasing social, economic and natural risks in a context of fragility. The COVID-19 pandemic and hurricanes...
Trayectorias Educativas Completas, or Complete Educational Trajectories project, was implemented by United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Development and Infancy Corporation (CID by its Spanish acronym, Corporación Infancia y Desarrollo) in...
SEL guide for children.
Historically, the United States has been the main destination country for migrants. In 2021, 1.7 million encounters were registered at the U.S. southern border, with almost 147,000 unaccompanied children and adolescents. Today’s migration flows...
El Salvador is a major origin country of migrants. Home to 6.5 million people, the country is the most densely populated in Central America, with deeply rooted social inequalities. High levels of violence and conflict, a stagnant economy, worsened...