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“Amplifying the Children’s Voices of Returned Children in Macomia and Palma, Cabo Delgado”, consulted 120 girls and boys who have returned to Palma and Macomia about the places they have returned to; the challenges they face in their every-day...

For the third consecutive year, Save the Children has ranked 182 countries by the vulnerability of their school system to hazards that threaten children’s right to learn and against levels of preparedness to those hazards. This enables us to make...

A key focus of the ECW MYRP project is to build upon the gains made in programs that were adapted in response to COVID-19, such as distance/remote learning and online teacher training platforms like the Learning Management System (LMS). SCI has...

This Checklist on Child-Sensitive Durable Solutions was drafted by a group of child-focused actors working in displacement-affected contexts, focusing on situations of internal displacement. It aims to: Ensure national and local governments have...

This one-pager demonstrates the changes and growth of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) used by Save the Children 2018 through 2022. Key highlights include doubling of the CVA portfolio, listing of top CVA donors and Members, and case studies of...

This template contains can guide Save the Children staff seeking to formalize partnerships with girl-led groups or networks via a memorandum of understanding (MOU). It was informed by research as part of the Girl-Led Movement Building project,...

The factsheet is a snapshot of our Child Poverty Reduction work and country’s strategic impact in 2022 based on our reach figures, examples of evidence of our work, advocacy and policy wins, case studies and voices from the children. We continue...

The purpose of this document is to explain how Save the Children’s approach to Anticipatory Action can be applied to our education programming. Understanding how we can apply the AA Framework to the education sector will enhance our child-centred...

The project “PARTICIPATE: Empowered CSOs and ethnic minority (EM) youth for active participation in decision making in Yen Bai, Vietnam” (EU/PARTICIPATE) funded by European Commission has been carrying out by Save the Children and the local...

The project is to pilot the newly endorsed education Common Approach – Building Brains (BB) – in five communes in Van Chan District, Yen Bai Province, Vietnam. This intervention is designed to: 1) build the capacity of male and female caregivers...