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African leaders must invest more in education to create workers of the future: Save the Children

The impact of COVID-19, conflict and climate crises are limiting African children, Save the Children warned as African leaders meet to discuss

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Campaigning for her rights: Asia, 17, from Tanzania

Campaigning for her rights: Asia, 17, from Tanzania

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COVID-19 risks in East Africa heighten as severe floods displace nearly half a million people

COVID-19 risks in East Africa heighten as severe floods displace nearly half a million people

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Ending child marriage: an urgent and unfinished agenda

As a father of girls, I often pause to reflect on how my daughters’ opportunities contrast with those of earlier generations.

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Education is like oxygen for us

Education is like oxygen for us

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What impact has the Every Last Child campaign had in 2016?

What impact has the Every Last Child campaign had in 2016?

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Over 100 co-sponsors joined our UN resolution to eliminate child, early and forced marriage!

Over 100 co-sponsors joined our UN resolution to eliminate child, early and forced marriage!

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New photo series of refugee children by Patrick Willocq released ahead of first ever World Humanitarian Summit

New photo series of refugee children by Patrick Willocq released ahead of first ever World Humanitarian Summit

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Progress for children isn’t possible without progress for girls

Progress for children isn’t possible without progress for girls

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