Save the Children in Kenya supports young children to access education by providing Early Childhood Care and Development (ECD) services that allow them to develop literacy and maths skills through play. In addition, we especially support the most marginalised children who are unable to access learning and have been out of school, providing accelerated learning programmes. Save the Children’s extensive local networks and operational presence in regions such as Arid and Semi-Arid Lands, refugee camps, informal settlements, and poor rural areas enable effective collaboration with education stakeholders, including County Directors of Education, Boards of Management, school heads, and teachers’ associations. This collaboration strengthens education systems through community ownership and capacity building. In addition, we have a strong advocacy platform working with government stakeholders, Civil Society Organizations, and teacher associations to influence policies and resource allocation for education, as seen in projects like LEGO-funded Breath of Skills project (more details below). This is further strengthened by co-leading the education in emergencies cluster at national level with UNICEF and within respective counties in Kenya’s arid and semi-arid areas affected by conflict and climate shocks.
Amir, 14, completes his homework after school at his home in Garissa, Kenya. - Save the Children