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A quarter of all children in Myanmar are stunted. The Government of the Union of Myanmar (GoUM) is scaling up Maternal and Child Cash Transfers (MCCT), combined with Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) to prevent malnutrition during...

Save the Children US’ Department for Global Health implemented an embedded case study of systems effects of successive Save the Children emergency health and nutrition projects in two countries – Sudan and Pakistan – to draw lessons and...

All children have a fundamental right to protection, but the needs of children in emergencies are far from being met. In 2018, almost 50 million children were in need of protection in humanitarian settings. Yet child protection isn’t...

These stories reflects upon the effort of adolescents and youths (specifically girls) in building life skills and becomes the discussion leader for delivering SRHR information among the adolescents and community.

Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is a rights based and gender transformative approach to enhance adolescent knowledge and skills around sexuality, with the goal of enabling young people to make informed desicions and...

CHASP project is funded by SIDA and SDC builds upon SCI’s decentralized approach used in the Karkaar Region of Puntland as part of the DFID-funded CHANGE programme. The decentralized system for the delivery of health care and Nutrition services...

This Quick Reference Guide is a practical guide for all stakeholders who hope to implement a government-led, cross-border coordination mechanism for the protection of children who are unaccompanied and separated while in situations of migration or...

This success story highlights the experience of Beyenu Workinesh, a mother of three who lives in the community surrounding Debre Markos University, and the ways in which integrating nutrition-sensitive agriculture content into undergraduate...

This paper is the second in a series of policy briefs produced by Uganda’s National Child Protection Working Group, with support from Save the Children. Despite enormous child protection needs in Uganda, national funding for the sector remains...

68 million people were forcibly displaced at the end of 2017, double those displaced in 2005. More than half are children, many of whom are likely to be amongst the poorest and most vulnerable children on the planet. As trends of displacement move...