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Globally, 426 million children live in conflict zones today. We estimate that a staggering 72 million of them, or one in six, live 50 kilometres or closer to conflicts where armed groups or forces have perpetrated sexual violence against children...

แนวทางการทํางานกับเด็กโดยคํานึงถึงความหลากหลาย อัตลักษณ์ทางเพศ รสนิยมทางเพศ การแสดงออก และลักษณะทางกายภาพ SOGIESC (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics)...

Spotlight Series: Ending child marriage for gender equality

2021 - Burkina Faso, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia ...

Gender-based violence against girls: Ending child marriage and accelerating progress for gender equality Save the Children’s Spotlight series is a collection of country briefings to support national-level advocacy through the latest data and...

As the Generation Equality processes and Forums celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action, there has been concerted attention made to the need to engage new generations in the fight for gender equality. But young people...

This study explores the life experiences of children with diverse SOGIE in different environments – school, family, and community – to which they were exposed. Data suggest that children with diverse SOGIE experienced stigma, bullying,...

This guide promotes a common understanding of conflict sensitivity and supports institutionalisation and integration throughout programming. It helps Save the Children’s (SC) staff and partners answer two questions: How conflict-sensitive...

The Guaranteeing Children’s Future: How to End Child Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe illustrates the challenges faced by children and families living in poverty and social exclusion in 14 European countries and territories: 9 EU Member...

Born on Time (BOT) is a unique program – truly a global first around the issue of prematurity prevention. The program is the first public-private partnership dedicated to the prevention of preterm birth, now the leading cause of death in children...

As it is important that any gender analysis (and strategy) for children be based upon the insights of children, twenty-four children from conflict-affected northern Nigeria – including 12 girls and 12 boys aged 10 to 17 – were therefore...

Çocuklar ve gençler arasında akran zorbalığına ilişkin farkındalığın artırılması ve akran zorbalığının önlenmesinde okullar ve öğretmenler önemli bir rol üstlenmektedir.Güvenli sınıf ve okul ortamının oluşturulması, olumlu öğretmen ve öğrenci...