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Girls and boys, men and women, and persons with disabilities, are all effected differently during disasters, with a tendency to adopt different coping mechanisms and follow different paths. This child sensitive tip sheets shows how Save the...

Generation Nutrition EU is a network of a wide range of civile society organisations, working to achieve an end to child malnutrition. This report presents a firm case for investing in nutrition, highling the economic and human costs of...

The Role Play Game is used to practice having conversations about family planning, fertility, birth spacing, and life choices with friends, family and members of the community. This includes instructions and game cards. This game is part of the...

Participation is among the fundamental principles envisaged by the Convention on the Rights of the Child under Article 12, clearly setting forth that children enjoy the right to participate in decision-making processes affecting their life. This...

A brief case study from Save the Children Sri Lanka describing the gender seeding approach in the implementation of Early Childhood Development parenting interventions with families working in the tea plantations.

The Agree/Disagree game gives participants a chance to reflect on their own attitudes and values about fertility and family planning. This includes instructions and game cards. This game is part of the USAID-funded Fertility Awareness for...

This Growth through Nutrition policy brief summarizes research assessing the links between agricultural production, commercialization, markets, gender, and household diet diversity and discusses resulting policy recommendations.

More than 1.3 million people have crossed the Mediterranean since 2015, taking potentially perilous journeys to flee conflict, instability and persecution across the Middle East and Africa. With the Balkans border closures, more than 62,590 people...

More than 1.3 million people have crossed the Mediterranean since 2015, taking potentially perilous journeys to flee conflict, instability and persecution across the Middle East and Africa. With the Balkans border closures, more than 62,590 people...

Save the Children’s Gender Equality Marker (GEM) is the primary tool used to measure the SC KPI related the gender equality: % of new program proposals submitted that are Gender Sensitive or Gender Transformative. The GEM is also available...