Children in Malawi and Zambia push to change school calendar in response to climate change
Children in Malawi and Zambia push to change school calendar in response to climate change
ZAMBIA: All school-aged children out of school as deadly cholera outbreak kills over 500 people
Save the Children press release on cholera in Zambia schools closed
Slow onset disaster: How climate change in Zambia is creating hidden misery for millions
Slow onset disaster: How climate change in Zambia is creating hidden misery for millions
Zambia: Island school keeps children learning against backdrop of climate crisis
Zambia: Island school keeps children learning against backdrop of climate crisis
“We go to sleep hungry”: Children surviving on boiled waterlily roots and wild fruits as drought devastates 50% of Zambia’s food crops
Save the Children press release on failed crops in Zambia due to drought
A Tale of Two El Niños: Malawi underwater while neighbour Zambia dries out
Two neighbouring southern Africa nations are battling completely opposite weather disasters this month, with Zambia experiencing its worst drought in