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By 2035, the number of young people joining the working age population is projected to reach 1.5 billion globally, and yet, youth unemployment is already an acute challenge across low and middle-income countries. Through its Adolescent Skills for...

This document provides guidance on how to design and identify appropriate livelihoods interventions within the context of COVID-19.

This document summarizes a quasi-experimental study Tufts University conducted to evaluate the added value of virtual facilitator as an SBCC approach to improve IYCF, women’s diet diversity, women’s empowerment, and WASH practices of...

In early April 2020, to halt the spread of COVID-19, an estimated 1.6 billion learners globally – 91% of the total – were out of school. For the first time in human history, an entire generation of children globally have had their education...

This document presents Save the Children’s vision in the area of social protection and draws together a wide range of examples of our work from accumulated experience in the last decade and a half, categorised into five main types of work....

This annual report, prepared by Save the Children’s trustees, provides the audited consolidated financial states of Save the Children International and its trading subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2019.  

The Kenya Ministry of Health increased testing capacity has led to 11,673 total confirmed COVID-19 cases. Total fatalities to date stand at 217. About 95,000 people across the country have been displaced by floods and landslides according to OCHA....

COVID-19 is a global pandemic which threatens children’s rights in countries around the world and exposes them to potentially massive disruption to their healthcare, education, access to basic needs and services like food, protection and social...

The COVID-19 Pandemic poses immediate and long-lasting risks to the rights of children including the disruption of access to education, the potential for reduced access to primary and secondary health services, and increased protection risks. Save...

Improving key nutrition practices requires change at the individual, household, and community levels, and in services for mothers and families—all of which must be supported by an enabling environment. In addition to the existing social and...