What we do
Save the Children works across Yemen to address the critical needs of children and families affected by the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis. Its programs focus on key areas, including health, nutrition, education, child protection, food security, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). The organization operates mobile health clinics, supports 176 health facilities, and provides life-saving nutritional interventions for malnourished children and pregnant women. In education, Save the Children rehabilitates schools, establishes temporary learning spaces, trains teachers, and delivers learning materials to ensure children can continue their studies despite challenges. The child protection program provides psychosocial support, case management, and reintegration services for vulnerable children, while also working to strengthen community-based protection systems. Save the Children addresses food insecurity through cash assistance, livelihood programs, and emergency food support. By integrating WASH services into schools and health facilities, the organization improves access to clean water and sanitation, reducing disease risks. Through its comprehensive, multi-sectoral approach, Save the Children continues to protect children’s rights and promote their well-being across Yemen.

Hadeel, 16 months old, with her father at the health center for check-up, Amran. Zaid Shaker / Save the Children
Our Programs
Our Response
Health & Nutrition: Our Health and Nutrition programme in Yemen represent a comprehensive and adaptive approach to addressing the critical needs of the country's most vulnerable populations, primarily children and women. Operating in a complex and challenging environment, we have committed to providing a range of essential services that align with both local and international health standards.
Education: Our education programme in Yemen is a vital component of our humanitarian efforts, cantered around enhancing access, quality, and systemic strength of education. Our multi-dimensional approach includes working closely with formal and non-formal education systems and advocating for education rights.
WASH: Our WASH programme is committed to enhancing the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) conditions in Yemen, a country heavily afflicted by high malnutrition rates, WASH-related diseases, and climate change vulnerabilities. Our approach is integrative, blending WASH initiatives into Health, Nutrition, Food Security and Livelihoods, Education, and Child Protection programmes.
Food Security and Livelihood: Our Food Security and Livelihoods programme in Yemen is following a comprehensive and transformative strategy aimed at addressing child poverty and food insecurity. With a focus on economic resilience and safety nets, our programme is structured around key areas: capacity building, child-sensitive interventions, partnerships, targeted support, and economic resilience.
Child Protection: Our Child Protection program in Yemen addresses the increasingly hostile environment for children through a transformative theory of change. This comprehensive strategy not only seeks the survival of young lives but also their flourishing. The program's dual objectives are enhancing the resilience and well-being of children and youth and strengthening the capacity of local communities and institutions for effective child protection.